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Deadly Sins

This is my first blog post about my game Deadly Sins!

So, what is deadly sins? It is a 2d game that I am making in Godot about a powerful occultist who has died. The wake to find themselves in a strange and scary new place that is the Halls of Sin. It is a place in purgatory where those who in life embodied the seven deadly sins go where their souls become trapped in servitude of the Deadly Sins.

After the character wakes up they are greeted by Pride who tells them that if they wish to find what they are looking for then they must escape from the Halls of Sin but, to do that they must defeat all of the Deadly Sins including Pride.

The game is an rpg game with dark horror aesthetic but, I haven't really decided on how I want the combat system to work or if maybe I want to do a no combat puzzle style game which I think would be interesting with this type of story but, I do know that the first level is going to be Sloth.
